for func() sake { }

Yet another gopher…

Blog Version Control

Following on from my last post

The Hugo Quickstart Guide gives instructions on setting up version control and publishing a site on GitHub Pages - but using the method of pushing to a gh-pages branch.

This is the typical path for a “project site”, but a user site (with no repository in the URL) will publish to Pages only from the master branch. So adding the hugo files to version control required me to either start another project - or just be sensible about it and use a non-master branch of the user project (which must be named <username>

The process was quick and simple (starting from public/, where I had just pushed the blog files to master):

$ cd ..
$ echo /public/ >> .gitignore
$ echo /themes/ >> .gitignore
$ git init
$ git remote add origin
$ git checkout -b hugo
$ git add --all .
$ git commit
$ git push -u origin hugo

For any future updates, like this one, I now simply need to:

$ hugo
$ git add --all .
$ git commit
$ git push origin hugo
$ cd public
$ git add --all .
$ git commit
$ git push origin master

Job done.


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